Falling Branch, Harford County

(photo by Daniel C. Cleary)
Maryland's second highest free-falling waterfall is located on the Falling Branch of Deer Creek in northern Harford County. The falls were well known to local native Americans and settlers, but in recent times the area was relatively unknown because the land was privately owned. Through the work of citizens groups, businesses, schools and government agencies the Falling Branch Area was added to Rocks State Park in 1993 and open to the public.

(photo by Daniel C. Cleary)
Falling Branch passes through a steep gorge known as Kilgore Rocks, where the falls have developed in relatively erosion-resistant Prettyboy Schist. This formation was previously known as the upper pelitic schist of the Wissahickon formation. The falls are variously named by local residents Falling Creek Falls, Falling Branch Falls and Kilgore Falls.
For more information, please refer to:
- FactSheet 9: Maryland's Five Highest Waterfalls and Mountains
- Rocks State Park
- Falling Branch Falls, by John T. Marck
- Harford County Hiking - Kilgore Falls and Vicinity, by Peter H. Anderson
The Falling Branch Area of Rocks State Park is a 67 acre parcel of land which is home to Kilgore Falls. This non-developed, environmentally sensitive area has a serene hiking trail (Kilgore Falls Trail) leading back to the waterfall. Pets are allowed but must be on leashes at all times. Falling Branch is located five miles north of Rocks. Continue north on Route 24, turn left on St. Mary's Road then right onto Falling Branch Road and proceed to parking area and beginning of Kilgore Falls Trail on the right. *Please note: The address for directions to the parking lot is: 1026 Falling Branch Rd, Pylesville, MD 21132 (not McFadden Road as indicated on some online sites). There is no parking on the grass or along the road. There are no picnic tables, grills or restrooms in the area.