Maryland Geological SurveyInteractive Water-Level Mapper Tool

The Maryland Geological Survey (MGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, maintains a State-wide network of observation wells. In addition, MGS operates observation-well networks in Anne Arundel, Charles, Queen Anne's, and St. Mary's Counties, with funding support from those counties.

?   Information about water-level monitoring networks

The map below shows the locations of the observation wells. Hydrographs and water-level data, stored in the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Information System, can be accessed by clicking on the individual sites.

Potomac Group Patuxent Lower Patapsco Upper Patapsco Magothy Monmouth Aquia Nanjemoy Piney Point Calvert aquifer system Choptank Manokin Ocean City Pocomoke Surficial water table Matawan Calvert other aquifer Multiple aquifers No aquifer

Maryland Observation Well Networks