Geophysical Logs Collection

The Maryland Geological Survey (MGS) has several sets of downhole geophysical logs. Historically, one set of geophysical logs was associated with wells drilled mainly for natural gas in western Maryland, specifically Garrett and Allegany Counties. Another set, collected by the MGS Hydrogeology and Hydrology Program, included geophysical logs from wells and boreholes in Maryland's 23 counties, Baltimore City, Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. The hydrogeology set was largely from water well drilling but also includes logs from stratigraphic borings. There may be some overlap between these sets.
Historically geophysical logs were provided to the Maryland Geological Survey as paper strip charts. Many of these were duplicated and reduced to standardized scales as paper copies. Over the years a number of the paper logs have been scanned or digitized though not all. In more recent years, some geophysical logs have been acquired in digital format.

The collection preserves and archives geophysical logs from early in the 20th century to today. These geophysical data contribute to understanding the geology and hydrogeology in Maryland and surrounding areas.
The inventory and reorganization of this collection is on-going. In 2002, as part of a USGS National Geologic and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) grant, the Maryland Geological Survey began a systematic detailed inventory of a portion of the paper copies of geophysical logs stored in-house. Subsequently, a systematic detailed inventory of digital files of logs was undertaken. The inventory of paper logs has resumed as part of the current USGS NGGDPP grant (FY2024-2025).
For inquiries regarding this collection, please contact:
Andrew Staley – 410-554-5551,
Heather Quinn – 410-554-5522,
Tyler Van Ness – 410-554-5550,
The work described above was funded in part by series of grants awarded by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP). Specifically these grants included:
Grant G21AP10589 (September 1, 2021-August 31, 2023)
Grant G23AP00430 (September 1, 2023-August 31, 2024)
Grant G24AP00292 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025)