Hydrogeologic data from eight test-well sites on the Maryland Eastern Shore
2012, Drummond, D.D., Andreasen, D.C., Staley, A.W., and Bolton, D.W.
Basic Data Report 23

During the summer of 2010, 18 test wells and one continuous core hole were drilled at eight sites on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The wells were drilled as part of several investigations into the hydrogeologic characteristics of Coastal Plain aquifers on the Delmarva Peninsula. The core hole and 14 test wells were drilled at Martinak, Greensboro, Cordova, Idylwild, and Warner to assess the hydraulic connectivity of sands within the Calvert aquifer system (Miocene age). Two wells were drilled at the Church Hill site to estimate the connectivity of the Aquia and Hornerstown Formations. Single test wells were drilled at the Sassafras and LESREC sites to obtain hydrogeologic information on the Monmouth and Manokin aquifers, respectively. Description of the well construction and data collected during drilling and testing of the wells and core hole are presented in MGS Basic Data Report No. 23.
Associated Reports
Fact Sheets 18a-18h
MGS has published a series of 2-page Fact Sheets detailing the test well installation and results for each drill site in this study.
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