Maryland Department of Natural Resources


The surficial sediments of Assawoman Bay and Isle of Wight Bay in Maryland: physical and chemical characteristics

1994, Wells, D.V.; Conkwright, R.D.; Hill, J.M.; Park, J.

File Reports, Coastal and Estuarine Geology, File Report 1994-02


The Maryland Geological Survey conducted a two year investigation of the shallow geological framework and near surface geochemical character of the sediments of Assawoman and Isle of Wight Bays located along Maryland's Atlantic coast. This report presents the results of the second year study which focused on the physical and chemical characteristics of the surficial sediments of Assawoman and Isle of Wight Bays. The objectives of the second year study were:

  1. To map the chemical and sedimentological characteristics of the surficial sediments;
  2. To delineate the vertical stratigraphic sequence of Assawoman and Isle of Wight Bays.
The study was funded through the Minerals Management Service (MMS)/University of Texas cooperative studies relating to continental margin.

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