Maryland Department of Natural Resources


Potential offshore sand resources in southern Maryland shoal fields

1995, Conkwright, R.D., and Gast, R.A.

File Reports, Coastal and Estuarine Geology, File Report 1995-04


Extensive beach restoration projects on the Maryland coast are placing increased pressure on known offshore sand resources within State waters. Assessment of potential sand resources in Federal waters will encourage both the development of new resources, and further restoration projects. Previous studies suggest that most usable sand deposits will occur within linear shoals on the inner continental shelf. A shoal field in waters off Assateague Island, containing eight linear shoals, was examined for potential sand resources. This field, designated Shoal Field III, is located approximately ¾ of a nautical mile off Assateague Island, and extends eastward 14 miles. Seismic surveys and vibracore samples were used to estimate the quality and quantity of sediments contained within the shoals. Shoals K and F have a high potential for containing sands with desirable grain size parameters, and are in sufficiently shallow waters. Five other shoals have moderate potentials, limited by finer sediments and, in some cases, deeper waters. Shoal G, within two miles of the shore, appears to contain sediments too fine and thinly distributed to be of potential user for beach restoration.

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