Maryland Department of Natural Resources


Proceedings: 29th Annual Highway Geology Symposium

1979, Ozol, M.A. and Weaver, K.N. (eds.)

Special Publication: Hwy29


The theme of the Symposium was Urban Geology on the Fall Line. The papers presented here reflect the range of geological circumstances that affect the construction of highways. These include not only the traditional engineering geological perspectives such as slope and grade stability but also the characteristics and availability of the materials for their construction.

More and more the engineering problems of urban transportation and construction are coming to extend beyond the basic of design and construction. These problems now involve the consideration of environmental effects, availability and deliverability of aggregates and other materials, control of noise and vibration, monitoring of ground water and the avoidance of conditions leading to deterioration of ground-water supply and quality.

The common thread connecting these topics is geological science, whether in its classifical form or in the specialized areas of geotechnics, geophysics, environmental geoscience, hydrology, and other subdisciplines. This group of papers illustrates the range of subjects that now concern the professional engineering geologist involved in highway and related construction in and near large areas of the eastern United States.

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Proceedings: 29th Annual Highway Geology Symposium (pdf, 110 MB)