Maryland Department of Natural Resources


Coal reserves in Maryland - potential for future development

1976, Weaver, K.N., Coffroth, J.M., and Edwards, J.

Information Circular 22


The developing oil and gas shortages in this country have demonstrated that alternative energy sources must be examined as to the feasibility of their use. The increased use of coal, our most abundant fossil energy resource, is one of these alternatives. Over 75 percent of the energy we use today comes from oil or natural gas; yet these two fuels together account for only 16 percent of our domestic energy reserves. Currently, coal supplies less than 20 percent of the energy we use but comprises about 80 percent of our domestic energy reserves. It is therefore logical that increased emphasis be placed on the production and use of coal. This can make a tremendous impact on the energy problem within the next few years and assure an energy supply for hundreds of years. The uses of coal should be considered for many applications, especially where it can replace less abundant fuels so that those fuels can be used more efficiently, for example, oil for motor fuel or gas for home heating.

During 1975, 28 surface mining operators in Allegany County produced approximat.ely 949,800 tons of coal. In Garrett County 32 surface operators and two deep mine op.erators produced approximately 1,571,000 tons of coal. Thus, Maryland coal fields produced 2,520,800 tons during 1975 which is far less than in the peak production years prior to 1920 and less than the State is capable of producing from its unexploited reserves. Technology must provide the means to produce from our vast coal resources an environmentally acceptable end product that will have sufficient long term market. access to recover the capital necessary to expand and open new operations. A strong commitment by industry , government, and the consuming public to coal as a primary fuel source will result in less dependence upon foreign supplies of energy.

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