Earth Science Education Week - October 8 - 14, 2017
Governor Hogan proclaimed October 8 - 14, 2017 to be Earth Science Education Week in Maryland.
The Proclamation reads:
"Proclamation From the Governor of the State of Maryland
OCTOBER 8 -14, 2017

WHEREAS, This year marks the 20th annual Earth Sciences Education Week with the theme of "Earth and Human Activity," designated to help the public gain a better appreciation and understanding of earth sciences; and
WHEREAS, Geology and the other earth sciences are fundamental to the economy, environment, health, and safety of the State of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, Earth sciences provide the basic information and understanding that are crucial to ecological and environmental issues relating to the beneficial use of Maryland's lands and waters ... and contribute to the discovery and protection of groundwater and surface water supplies providing for the health and sustainment of Marylanders; and
WHEREAS, The earth sciences provide the basis for preparing for and mitigating natural hazards such as floods, landslides, radon, erosion, earthquakes and sinkholes; and
WHEREAS, Geological and hydrological factors are vital to land management and use decisions at local, county, state, regional and national levels; and
WHEREAS, The earth sciences are integral to the conserving, developing and discovering of valuable mineral, geologic and water resources of the great State of Maryland.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, do hereby proclaim OCTOBER 8 -14, 2017 as EARTH SCIENCE EDUCATION WEEK in Maryland, and commend this observance to all of our citizens."