Hydrogeology and Hydrology Program
The Hydrogeology and Hydrology Program of the Maryland Geological Survey conducts applied research of the groundwater and surface water of the State of Maryland. The Program continues a long history of water-resource investigations by the Maryland Geological Survey that began over a century ago. The Program frequently partners with federal, state, and local government to provide critical information and analysis for effective water-resource management.
Over the course of many decades the Program has explored and mapped the aquifer system framework and natural groundwater quality across much of the State. In addition, the Program, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, maintains an extensive groundwater-level and water-quality data network. Data collected by the Program is used for resource assessment, and to construct and calibrate groundwater-flow models for prediction of potential effects of future water demand and changes in climate.
The Program currently consists of eight hydrogeologists located at the Baltimore headquarters and at a field office in Annapolis.