Earth Science Week - October 13 - 19, 2013
Governor O’Malley proclaimed October 13 - 19, 2013 to be Earth Science Week in Maryland.
The Proclamation reads:
"Proclamation From the Governor of the State of Maryland
OCTOBER 13 -19, 2013

WHEREAS, Geology and the other earth sciences are used to plan and monitor for events which may effect the safety of Marylanders and burden the State's economy ... and, the earth sciences monitor changes in our natural systems to predict, prepare and mitigate for the effects of natural hazards including flooding, coastal erosion, landslides, droughts, expansive soils and sinkholes; and
WHEREAS, Geological factors of resources, hazards and environments are vital to make prudent management decisions, which will incorporate the needs of Maryland citizens; and
WHEREAS, The earth sciences provide a roadmap to the subtle changes which have occurred in the past and are currently transforming the landscape around us... and, geology also provides recreational and educational experiences through exploration of documented and managed sites throughout our great State; and
WHEREAS, The earth sciences contribute critical knowledge to our understanding of and respect for Maryland's diverse geological resources and features.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MARTIN O'MALLEY, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, do hereby proclaim OCTOBER 13 -19, 2013 as EARTH SCIENCE WEEK in Maryland, and commend this observance to all of our citizens."