Earthquakes in and around Maryland
Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 1.0 or greater within 800 mi (1287 km)
Update time = Sat, 28-Dec-2024 21:28:08 EST
Epicenter Near | Magnitude | Distance to Epicenter | Time | Link |
25 km WNW of Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel, Canada | 1.9 | 472 mi (760 km) | Fri, 27-Dec-2024 01:16:40 EST | map |
4 km E of Steele, Missouri | 2.2 | 753 mi (1211 km) | Tue, 24-Dec-2024 16:16:06 EST | map |
1 km WNW of Cooter, Missouri | 2.7 | 756 mi (1216 km) | Sun, 22-Dec-2024 23:02:44 EST | map |
9 km SW of Dillsboro, North Carolina | 1.8 | 461 mi (741 km) | Sun, 22-Dec-2024 04:25:42 EST | map |
4 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS
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