Two Locks Caves, Washington County
Two Locks Caves are in the Beekmantown Limestone that strikes N. 30º E. and dips 80º E. and are developed along the bedding planes.

Several small caves and solution holes are developed in the bluffs along the C & O Canal, south of Two Locks. The northernmost cave is a 4-foot square opening in the cliff face, 20 feet above the river. It consists of a single room 10 feet in diameter and 5 feet high and is used as a roost by numerous pigeons. One hundred feet south of here is a fissure which extends south for 30 feet. The entrance to the largest cave is 150 feet to the south, in a small hollow 30 feet above the river. It trends northeast as a crawlway for 40 feet before opening into a somewhat higher passage with two side passages. These extend for short distances on both sides of the entrance passage as low crawlways.
Click on a cave name or a number on the map for more information

- (10) Crystal Grottoes
- (19) Fairview Cave
- (21) Groundhog Cave
- (40) Hogmaw Cave
- (26) Howell Cave
- -- joint-controlled development
- (29) Keefer Rd. Cave
- (33) Mt. Aetna Cave
- (45) Round Top Cave #8
- (44) Round Top Summit Cave
- (46) Schetromph Cave
- (47) Snivelys Caves
- (49) Two Locks Cave
- (24) Winders Cave